Plumbing. Heating. Conditioning. Energy Efficiency.

Belgorod exhibition

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19 August 2011

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BAXI S.p.A. representation in cooperation with Master-Watt participated in the 8th Interregional specialized exhibition 'MODERN CITY. Energy. Resource-saving. Ecology' which was held in Belgorod on the 10-12th of August 2011.

More than 200 manufacturers and suppliers of building materials, energy-saving equipment, heating and water supply systems.

Presentations and seminars on the achievements in the building sector, new energy saving technologies were conducted, the guests could become optimal offers from manufacturers and their official dealers.

On the joint BAXI and Master-Watt stand heating equipment was represented which was manufactured at the BAXI Italian plant. На совместном стенде BAXI и МАСТЕР-ВАТТ было представлено отопительное оборудование, производимое итальянским заводом BAXI S.p.A:
   • gas wall-hung boilers with outputs up to 31 kW;
   • gas wall-hung condensing boilers with outputs up to 100 kW;
   • gas floor standing cast iron boilers SLIM with outputs up to 62 kW.

The visitors could also see the new product on the Russian market. It is an electric boiler AMPTEC which is manufactured at an English plant HEATRAE SADIA Heating, a part of the BDR Thermea holding  just like BAXI S.p.A. The main features of the AMPTEC boilers are cost-saving energy consumption rate, compact sizes, simple installation and operation. The boilers are available for order in Master-Watt Company.

Specialists who attended the exhibition showed great interest in the BAXI products and received competent technical advice. The stand was mainly visited by the representatives of the installation organizations, design institutes and manufacturing plants in the region.

All exhibition participants were awarded with the Belgorod Chamber of Commerce and Industry.

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