Plumbing. Heating. Conditioning. Energy Efficiency.

BAXI in the Russian Architectural Forum

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29 May 2012

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From the 15th till the 18th of May 2012 the company BAXI SpA together with "ELSO Energosbyt" took part in the international specialized exhibition "Russian Architectural Forum", held within the framework of the international scientific-industrial forum "Great Rivers - 2012 ICEF, which was held for the 14th time in Nizhny Novgorod in VZAO" Nizhny Novgorod Fair ".

On the "Russian Architecture and Construction Forum" this year were well represented ventilation, heating, water supply and klimatotehniki. The event gave participants an opportunity to get the most complete information about the activities and opportunities for construction companies of the Volga, has been a source of business contacts, contributed to the strengthening of partnerships.

Visitors to the stand BAXI - Energosbyt acquainted with a variety of heating and water heating equipment BAXI, delivered to the Russian market, have received technical advice and other information and materials, and discussed possible ways of cooperation.

In addition, everyone could stand right on the register and get membership card program "BAXI-Club" - the bonus program for installers. And those who are already participants in the Programme have earned bonus points by visiting the exhibition BAXI - Energosbyt.

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