Plumbing. Heating. Conditioning. Energy Efficiency.

New version 3.8 of Audytor C. O. software

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06 February 2012

Новости по теме:

This program was designed to support designing new central heating systems and regulation of already existing ones. This program also allows to design pipe systems in the chilled water installations.

The program allows to perform full hydraulic calculations of heating systems which include:
-selecting pipe diameters
-specifying hydraulic resistance of the individual circulations
-presenting the pressure losses in the installation
-analysing pressure in the individual circulations
-taking into account the necessity of the proper hydraulic resistance of the heat receivers and pipes
-adjusting presets of the differential pressure governors in the places slected by the designer
-taking into consideration the requirements regarding authorities of thermostatic valves

A short description of Audytor C.O.:
-vast catalogues of pipes, radiators and fittings
-graphic process of entering data — drawing a complex diagram of the central heating system with a possibility of using such elements as radiators, fittings and heat sources
-automatic suggestion system and validation of the entered data
-variety of functions — copying, multiplication, automated creation of a new storey, creating blocks from system elements
-possibility of receiving a full documentation of the project
-table-form results with a possibility of sorting, regarding specified parameters
-graphic-form results — heating system drawings with a detailed description of individual elements
-designing on a complex central heating system diagram with a possibility of importing AutoCAD files (*.dwg) and using them as a basis for designing heating systems.
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