Plumbing. Heating. Conditioning. Energy Efficiency.

Insulation Armaflex XG

571 0
07 November 2011

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Armacell Company presents a new flexible insulation Armaflex XG. It has better technical properties (λ0°C ≤ 0,036 Вт/(м•K), μ ≥ 10 000) and meets the requirements of European fire protection standards. Armaflex XG is a flexible thermal insulation material for condensation control in air-conditioning and refrigeration installations. It is also suitable for reducing thermal losses in heating and plumbing systems. The combination of its technical properties – a low thermal conductivity and a high resistance to water vapour transmission – and its competitive price make it a cost-effective energy-saving solution. Armaflex XG exists in following types: tubes, sheets and self-adhesive insulation.
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